LAVISHICA is one of Dubai’smost trusted sources and platforms for shopping and consigning pre-owned luxury handbags and accessories. From Chanel, Hermes to Dior and Louis Vuitton, LAVISHICA has curated an extravagant collection of pre-owned luxury and limited-edition handbags from the world’s most coveted luxury designer brand. LAVISHICA carry high-end, authenticated luxury products, including designer handbags, jewellery, watches, and accessories consigned from consignors around the world. Founded in 2018, LAVISHICA brings trust and confidence to the fashion community. With millions of shoppers and consignors, it is easy to see why LAVISHICA is one of Dubai’s largest and the most trusted marketplaces for world’s most authentic, contemporary and top-level luxury brands. All of our second hand designer bags are white glove inspected for the highest of quality and authenticity, with new arrivals updated every week. These second hand designer bags are in top condition and at a fair price. Enquire online and receive a free quote within 1-2 business days.
High quality luxury goods at greatly reduced prices.
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